Orthopedic Peds saved me from Ankle-Sprains for 2+ months!

I have been an avid “ankle-breaker” who gets himself into trouble every 1 or 2 weeks: depending on how bad the sprain should have been, it may take me one week or two to get back to the court. Yet, regardless of the protection braces that I wear, the next sprain is always around the corner.

Thankfully, I was introduced to the master of orthopedic ped, Vahan Agbabian, who gracefully saved me from such infinite loop of ankle-sprains.

Steps to reproduce the treatment:

Well, the writing here applies to Umich Graduate Student who has a GSI or GSRA assignment, as the insurance will cover the Orthopedic Peds in full. If you are not sure about your insurance, try to get the referral anyways as it should be costless (refer 2. below for more information).

  1. Contact your doctor (most-likely at UHS) for an referral to Vahan, who holds appointments at Domino’s Farms
  2. Use the referral to schedule the first appointment with MedSport stuff
    • Important: check with MedSport people on your insurance/co-pay options
  3. If you are fully covered by insurance, go ahead and see Vahan. Note:
    • You may need to pay several visits over an extended period of time
    • In my case, I saw Vahan in early May, and will get my “permanent” pair of peds in mid Septermber. It may take 4 months to get it minted.

Special thanks to Dr. Mike Corrigan, who kindly sent me to Vahan for the Orthopedic Peds.


After wearing the customized Orthopedic peds (footwear), I have been playing pick-up basketball for 2 months without any ankle-sprain. This has never happened previously in my life. To a certain extent, I should have grown addiction to these peds.